
This site is about how a completely ordinary, yet different girl has gotten through her struggles by writing them down on a blog that no one reads.

“It´s like you´re with her everyday”

So my friends have started to complain about how much I mention Ulrika. Just today (or yesterday because its so late/early right now) I told Victoria; “dette er hvor jeg og Ulrika så en moskus med mamma i sommer.” (Pretty much meaning that Ulrika, my mom, and I saw a (whatever it´s called) wherever we were at that point.” A day or two before that I told Victoria about how Ulrika and I went to Starbucks in Trondheim in the exact café that Victoria and I were in. No better that I´m bragging about next summer´s trip to Sweeden, having Victoria, Maria, and Fredrik running after me with jealousy. I can´t wait though! I wanna go now, meet her halfway and walk around just talking about the million things we need to tell each other. I´m not gonna bore you to death though, so I´ll leave you alone now ❤

Squirrelshead Revisited

I can relate 100% right now. 🙂

Evil Squirrel's Nest

What in the name of nuttiness is going on here? What in the name of nuttiness is going on here?

Yesterday was the first day where it really felt like Fall was in the air.  And for a few brief hours in the morning, the sun was actually out to make it truly enjoyable weather.  I sqturday squirrel logomanaged to take advantage of this time to take another stroll through the local park and got another handful of really awesome photos of the park squirrels.  This was definitely one of the most interesting ones I captured….

There are so many fun and strange ways to attempt to describe what it looks like is going on in this picture… but you’re so used to seeing my take on the Saturday Squirrel photo, I figured this week, I’d let my readers write the story for me!

What kind of caption or brief description do you have for this photo?  Put your take in the…

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Fall Fiesta (no more)

Around these times last year and the year before, I would have received an invite to the yearly “Fall Fiesta” and a ton of messages on Facebook asking if I was going or not. This year I had a wonderful week in Trondheim with Victoria instead. We stayed in our room at my grandpa´s house most of the time, occasionally sneaking out to steal some more vodka and some aquavit to mix with our cokes (I had a Pepsi of course, since I don´t drink from the Coca Cola Company anymore). We had a lot of fun, made some mistakes, figured what guys to trust or not, and bored the shit out of each other the last couple of days. I got this awful tongue thing that hurts so much, but I finally (after searching it up on Google about a hundred times) found my theory of placing something cold on my burning tongue right. Now after melting a whole ice cube (about 4cm squared) it took my tongue no more than two minutes to begin burning full time again. I´m just saying, finish this shit off before it eats up your tongue.

Then again what I was supposed to get to throughout this text was that I miss India so freaking much! Not the depressing last half year I had there, but everything that happened before that. It was like a perfect dream that I wish I hadn’t woken up from. 😦